
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Rebalancing Bitcoin Investment May 2016

USD is going flat against Euro. This allow some Mixed-currency investment to have a modest gain. Unfortunately, BTC investements are slightly losing value againts EUR.

Take aways:

  1. EUR-only loans on Mintos and Twino is starting to give 1% gain. This is matched by mixed-currency loan on Bitbond. 
  2. Stock Market gain is weak for the last three month. So, My ING Fund investment is slightly losing value. I have been investing on it for a long time. It is just now that I am tracking its value.
  3. BTCjam is consistently giving above average gain for the last 6 months.
  4. Loanbase loans losing more value than BTCPop. This is because of 10%+ default rate on Loanbase, in addition to BTC losing value againts EUR.
April 2016 has the highest late and default rate on Loanbase.